The FAST Fiasco: When Hype Meets Reality

Imagine, if you will, a world where content creators and broadcasters are lured into a glittering promise of fame and fortune, only to find themselves in a financial quagmire. Welcome to the world of Free Ad-Supported Streaming Television (FAST), where the dream of easy money has turned into a nightmare of epic proportions.

Two years ago, the hype around FAST was palpable. Content libraries and creators were seduced by the idea of ad-funded streaming, convinced it would be the next big thing. The spreadsheets, however, told a different story. They showed that revenue from FAST would be a fraction of what platforms like YouTube could offer. But who listens to spreadsheets when there’s a shiny new trend to chase?

Fast forward to today, and the reality has hit harder than a cricket ball to the face. The multiple intermediaries in distribution, technology, and ad sales have created a labyrinthine process that delivers less than a third of the revenue compared to YouTube. It’s like trying to run a marathon with your shoelaces tied together.

The ad sales process is a particular circle of hell. Programmatic advertising, which was supposed to be the savior of modern broadcasting, has turned out to be a complex web of commissions and inefficiencies. The net result? Content owners are left with a pittance, a mere tenth of the revenues they would expect from traditional television models. It’s as if the technology that was supposed to streamline the process has instead tied it up in knots.

Enter Kapang with its CoMo product, a beacon of hope in this murky sea. By reducing the ad-sales routine to just one or two parties, Kapang puts content owners and broadcasters back in the driver’s seat. Instead of being at the mercy of countless intermediaries, they can now expect to receive at least two-thirds of the gross revenues. It’s a game-changer, a breath of fresh air in an industry that’s been suffocating under the weight of its own complexity.

In the end, the lesson here is clear: don’t believe the hype. The promise of FAST was always too good to be true, and now the industry is paying the price. But with solutions like Kapang’s CoMo, there’s a glimmer of hope that we can navigate our way out of this mess and into a future where content creators and broadcasters can finally get the revenue they deserve.

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