FIST – Free Investor Funded Television, the real business of FAST Exposed

FAST Channels or FIST Channels? The Great Streaming Swindle

Imagine, if you will, a world where the promise of Free Ad-Supported Streaming Television (FAST) has been hijacked by a bunch of slick-talking distribution companies and platforms. These chaps have managed to turn what should have been a boon for content creators into a financial black hole. Welcome to the world of FIST – Free Investor-Funded Streaming Television.

Yes, you heard that right. Kapang has aptly nicknamed these channels FIST because, quite frankly, that’s what it feels like for the content creators and content libraries. The distribution companies and FAST channel platforms are building their empires on revenue shares with content creators, but here’s the kicker – the content studios are making zilch. Nada. Nothing. Meanwhile, the FAST channel creators and Tier 2 platforms are living it up on investor money, completely ignoring the revenue model that should be funding the content owners.

It’s a classic case of the rich getting richer while the creators, the ones who actually make the content, are left with scraps. We know of at least ten outlets raising money from content catalogues structured on a revenue share. But instead of fair deals, they’re striking bad ones with their distribution partners, paying a pittance to share with the content libraries. The platforms and channel distributors, on the other hand, are raking in the cash from investors.

So, what do we have here? Is it FAST – Free Ad-Supported Streaming Television – or FIST – Free Investor-Funded Streaming Television? From where I’m sitting, it’s the latter. As a method of content monetization, it’s downright pathetic. But as a method of raising money for all distribution tiers, it seems to be working. For now, at least.

But here’s the thing – this house of cards is going to come crashing down. The oxygen is running out FAST, and when it does, the whole charade will be exposed. Content creators will finally see that they’ve been taken for a ride, and the investors will realize that their money has been funneled into a black hole.

In the end, the lesson is clear: don’t get caught up in the hype. The promise of FAST was always too good to be true, and now we’re seeing the fallout. But with solutions like Kapang’s CoMo, there’s hope, a solution built by a Content Studio, that we can navigate our way out of this mess and into a future where content creators and broadcasters can finally get the revenue they deserve.

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